Our courses in 2025
These course can now be booked online: click the link - or call 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com for more information.
January 27 to 31 LONDON - Accredited Mediator Training Course TWO PLACES LEFT as of 11 January 2025 - All days live and in person in the Temple in London. £1800. This is our Flagship Course and will include a number of special events and international guests as we launch the 2025 programme. Email - support@218strand.com or call 027 353 3936. This is the leading mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in MIddle Temple as well.
February 3 BUILDING A MEDIATION BUSINESS - BAMBi - £402 - Live and in person in the Middle Temple this always sold out course (with four places left as of 11 January) presents ever developing options for how to create, sustain, and build your mediaiton business. From elevator pitches to policies, tenders to marketing, pricing to PR everything is there with eight mediator members of SOM who have done it! February 4 ZOOM - CPD & Skills Development Day - £360. FIVE PLACES LEFT - This is the popular Zoom Annual CPD and Fluency course that refreshes the parts other courses cannot reach, regenerates fluency, and updates skills for mediators of every level of experience. Led by Jonathan Dingle with other leading faculty members you will mediate, and learn, and network. 6 hours CPD. February 4 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonight's title is "Gross Misconduct" featuring a workplace mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers.
February 6 to 7 Workplace and Employment Mediation - specialist skills and core training for mediators and practitioners - £660. We are live and in Person in Middle Temple, offering 20 hours of CPD this is the essential course for those wishing to develop from Foundation principles to specialist level in the busy and demanding work that is workplace and employment mediation. A strong faculty led by Jonathan Dingle with hundreds of workplace mediations behind them will take you through all the key skills. Book the course now - four places left!
February 10 to 14 Cayman Islands - Caribbean Mediation Week : a follow-up week to our November 2024 Courses at the Cayman Islands Mediation and Arbitration Centre - Private Course and Training presently booked locally through Megan Paget-Brown info@caymanarbitration.com February 17 to 21 Universities Training week : we will be working with leading Universities in London this week to provide direct mediation and advocacy training to law students, Masters, and Doctorate candidates. For more details on what we do contact - universities@societyofmediators.com February 24-28 ZOOM - Flagship Accredited Mediator Course : online from London £1150 - SIX PLACES LEFT Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course taught on Zoom for the twentieth time - and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. You will learn all the skills to become a competent and engaged mediator - as well as life skills that will benefit you professionally and elsewhere.
March 3 to 7 GIBRALTAR - the Flagship Mediator Training Course is taking place in Gibraltar at the request of the Government. A perfect place to learn and reflect. For details of this bespoke training and how it is arrnaged and accessed email gibraltar@societyofmediators.com March 10 to 14 LONDON - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Temple in London. £1800. 6 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com. This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in Middle Temple as well.
March 18 Mediating on Zoom / Teams - £365 - the definitive introduction and upskilling for mediators who want to really use the opportunities that online mediation offers. You will become fluent, confident, and crafty. And gain you annual 6 hours of mediation CPD in this course led online by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Tristana Lauro, and Stephen Malcolm FRSA. March 18 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonight's title is "Storm in a Tea Cup" featuring a workplace mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers. March 19 CPD & Skills Development Day - In Person with Lunch in Middle Temple Hall - £442. EIGHT PLACES LEFT - This is the definitive Annual CPD and Fluency course delivered in person that feeds and refreshes the parts other courses cannot reach, gives fluency, and updates skills for mediators of every level of experience. Led by Jonathan Dingle with other leading faculty members you will mediate, and learn, and network - whilst enjoying the fabulous surroundings and food at Middle Temple. April 7 to 11 TAUNTON - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in Normanton Chambers, Taunton. £1500. 8 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com. This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in the delights of Normanton Chambers - a lovely Georgian Terrace in The Crescent Taunton close to inexpensive hotels, the station, fine dining, and with free parking.
April 22 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonight's title is "The Leg Break" featuring a workplace mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers. April May
28 to 2 Come to the Festival of Listening in Corfu - see www.festivaloflistening.org - or contact info@festivaloflistening.org (WhatsApp +44 7854 142815) to discover how this amazing week will really benefit you, your work, and your whole approach to life. flights are less than £75 return with Easy Jet at the moment (Luton 27 April return LGW 3 May) and apartments less than €250 for the week. It includes 20 hours of legal and mediation CPD plus a live observation and extraordinary learning. The early-bird rate of £750 ends on 31st January…so book now - and see you at the amazing Corfu Buddha Hall. May 12 to 16 LONDON - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Temple in London. £1800. 8 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com. This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in Middle Temple as well.
May 22 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonight's title is "The Rights of Spring" featuring a commercial mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers. June 2 to 6 NEWCASTLE - Flagship Accredited Mediator Course : at NUN Newcastle £1500 - 6 Places Left - Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This course is open to barristers or members of NUN Law School only. It is the Flagship mediation course taught at NUN for the fifth time - and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. You will learn all the skills to become a competent and engaged mediator - as well as life skills that will benefit you professionally and elsewhere. June 9 to 13 CORFU - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Arillas Sound Garden in Corfu. £960. 8 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis in Greece for the second season by the Society working as a charity. It is internationally and nationally accredited and recognised as the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Tristana Lauro, and Sacha Heath supported by other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in fabulous Sound Garden as well which offers refreshments and remarkable evening entertainment options. June 17 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonights title is "The Opening Line" featuring a media mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers. July 7 to 11 LONDON - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Temple in London. £1800. 111 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in the height of Summer fun in Middle Temple as well. July 15 BUILDING A MEDIATION BUSINESS - BAMBi - £407 - Live and in person in the Middle Temple this always sold out course (with 11 places left as of 11 January) presents ever developing options for how to create, sustain, and build your mediaiton business. From elevator pitches to policies, tenders to marketing, pricing to PR everything is there with eight mediator members of SOM who have done it! July 16 CPD & Skills Development Day - In Person with Lunch in Middle Temple Hall - £442. This is the definitive Annual CPD and Fluency course delivered in person that feeds and refreshes the parts other courses cannot reach, gives fluency, and updates skills for mediators of every level of experience. Led by Jonathan Dingle with other leading faculty members you will mediate, and learn, and network - whilst enjoying the fabulous surroundings and food at Middle Temple. July 16 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonight's title is "The Golf Match" featuring a personal injury mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers. July 21-25 ZOOM - Flagship Accredited Mediator Course : online from London £1150 - 10 Places Left - Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course taught on Zoom for the twentieth time - and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. You will learn all the skills to become a competent and engaged mediator - as well as life skills that will benefit you professionally and elsewhere. August 4 to 8 LONDON - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Temple in London. £1800. 12 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in the quiet of August in Middle Temple as well. September 4 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonight's title is "The Wrong Route" featuring a holiday and travel mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers. September 22 to 26 LONDON - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Temple in London. £1800. 14 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in the pleasant late-Summer world of Middle Temple as well. September
30 to 2 Workplace and Employment Mediation - specialist skills and core training for mediators and practitioners - £660. Three day course/ We are live and in Person in Middle Temple, offering 24 hours of CPD this is the essential course for those wishing to develop from Foundation principles to specialist level in the busy and demanding work that is workplace and employment mediation. A strong faculty led by Jonathan Dingle with hundreds of workplace mediations behind them will take you through all the key skills. Book the course now - eight places left!
October 2 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonight's title is "The Overnight Success" featuring an employment mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers. October 27 to 31 CORFU - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Corfu Buddha Hall in Greece. £960. 10 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email us to find out more This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis in Greece for the second season by the Society working as a charity. It is internationally and nationally accredited and recognised as the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Tristana Lauro, and Sacha Heath supported by other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in fabulous Sound Garden as well which offers refreshments and remarkable evening entertainment options. November 10 to 14 LONDON - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Temple in London. £1800. 15 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in the joy of August in Middle Temple as well. November 19 ZOOM - Observation/Professional Demonstration on Zoom live from London at 1715. Provided free to Members and Alumni, this is one of the monthly programme of profession: members and alumni are sent the link in advance and this gives two hours CPD, an observation, and fluency training. Typically attended by 50 to 100 people from around the world. Contact support@218strand.com for the link - tonight's title is "The Four Candles" featuring a commercial mediaiton. It is suitable for all mediators and is first come first served on the night - limited to 100 viewers. November 24-28 ZOOM - Flagship Accredited Mediator Course : online from London £1150 - 10 Places Left - Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course taught on Zoom for the twentieth time - and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. You will learn all the skills to become a competent and engaged mediator - as well as life skills that will benefit you professionally and elsewhere. December 11 BUILDING A MEDIATION BUSINESS - BAMBi - £412 - Live and in person in the Middle Temple this always sold out course presents ever developing options for how to create, sustain, and build your mediaiton business. From elevator pitches to policies, tenders to marketing, pricing to PR everything is there with eight mediator members of SOM who have done it! December 12 CPD & Skills Development Day - In Person with Lunch in Middle Temple Hall - £442. his is the definitive Annual CPD and Fluency course delivered in person that feeds and refreshes the parts other courses cannot reach, gives fluency, and updates skills for mediators of every level of experience. Led by Jonathan Dingle with other leading faculty members you will mediate, and learn, and network - whilst enjoying the fabulous Christamssy surroundings and food at Middle Temple. Deecmber 15 to 19 LONDON - Accredited Mediator Training Course : all days live and in person in the Temple in London. £1800. 14 places left. Please call for details: 0207 353 3936 or email support@218strand.com This is the Flagship mediation course and is provided on a not-for-profit basis by the Society working as a charity. Internationally and nationally accredited and recognised it is the definitive training course for mediators delivered by the Faculty since 2002. The Feedback is superb. The course will be led by Jonathan Dingle FRSA, Andrea Barnes and Stephen Malcolm OBE supported by five other Faculty members and mediators during the week. Simply the best - and in the beauty of Christmas in Middle Temple as well. 2026 These Dates will be added in July 2025 - if you are looking for a bespoke date, please contact us now!